Daily Bible Verse

Saturday, March 20, 2010

How to know which is which?!

ISH!!!!this is such a bothering thing...
Why can't God just make everyone another partner and tell them the exact date, time, place, name and so on and so forth?
Many times we think (or maybe I think), this is the right person for me...
And then turns out, it's not! Getting hurt after that..but at the very exact same time realising that it's only a like-like and not a love-like.........
It's like playing JACKPOT! You think you're going to win this round..bet all your money....
Turns out it's just not your lucky day!
Receiving that, "TODAY'S NOT YOUR LUCKY DAY! TRY AGAIN TOMORO...", it's killing me.....
Well, for me I have my own theory already and I think it works la....Helps me differentiate like-like from love-like..
But according to my frenz....it will never work..
well, we'll c about that!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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